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Android 5.0 and Material Design
21/11/2014 Filed in: Programming

With Android 5.0 being out on most of the Nexus lineup I decided it was time to improve my app 'TV Lige Nu!' to utilize the new Material Design. 'TV Lige Nu!' provides a program-view of selected danish television channels.

 My app is not completely Material Design compliant, but it is close enough in my opinion.

I really like the new Material Design coming with Andtroid 5.0. Clean lines and easy on the eyes. I choose to use the 500 to 700 colours 'Blue Grey' dictated by Google's wonderful Material Design guide.

  • 500#607D8B
  • 600#546E7A
  • 700#455A64

 I also decided to create a new icon to follow this new design. I used Gimp. Whenever I use Gimp it always seems as like you're doing 2 times the work you would usually do in Photoshop. It's a great tool, but just slow in my opinion. Maybe my workflow is just wrong?

(The 'improved' new icon)  


(The new look using Material Design)

You can find 'TV Lige Nu!' on Google Play Store.

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